Bucegi Mountains
The mountains are easily accessible either by train or on paved road, each zone can be accessed in a short time, the mountains assure a varied terrain, ideal for both trekking tours and extreme rock-climbing. It could be an ideal training both for climbers and hikers for real alpine tours in the Alps and Caucasus or even up to famous remote peaks.
Făgăraș Mountains
The Făgăraș Mountains are the highest and largest mountain ranges of the Carpathians. Trekking along the main ridge during summer is not an easy task, but in winter it is a real challenge. Even in olden times winter mountaineering across the entire ridge was considered by the Romanian Alpine clubs to be the basis of the master’s degree.
Piatra Craiului Mountains
According to many peoples’ opinion – and also in my opinion – Piatra Craiului is regarded as one of the most beautiful mountains in Romania. Its keen limestone ridges lighten to a great distance in the fiery sunshine, while in winter they glitter as snow white crystals, tempting the nature lovers to mountain climbing.
Ciucaș Mountains
The fairy garden of the Carpathian Bend is an ideal place for those who want to try themselves on a varied terrain. Though it reaches "only" an altitude of 1954 meters, an awe-inspiring scenery opens onto the surrounding mountains from its summit. Its weirdly shaped cliffs embody fairy creatures, among the formations Porumbelul (Pidgeon), Turnul lui Goliat (Goliat’s Tower) and Babele la Sfat (Matchmakers) can be reached its highest point.
Retezat Mountains
It is Romania’s first national park, in 1980 it has been set up by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve. This tells us about it one thing and another, right? The mountain is abounding in glacier lakes, approximately the surface of 80 lakes is sparkling among its crags. The mountain is dominated by huge stone jungles, among which the danger signal of marmots can be heard, above which are towering peaks ranging over 2500 meters.
Hășmașu Mountain - Ceahlău Mountain
It is a mountain with multiple peaks, surrounded by huge woodlands. It is divided into two parts, the one is accessible on paved road, namely the surroundings of Lacul Roșu (Red Lake) – Cheile Bicaz (Bicaz Gorges), whilst the other is the region of Piatra Singuratică (Solitary Rock) and Hășmașu Mare (Great Hasmas) Peak. The Red Lake – Bicaz Gorges region is a rocky pass hollowed on the ridge of the hill, the Solitary Rock – Great Hasmas Peak is the subalpine zone of the mountains, including the highest peak, as well.
Bodoc Mountain - Ciomatu Mountain
This wooded hilly forest area is well-known to each member of our association. We have made here the National Geographic Project, but apart from this we continue to come here all the time to take pictures, to observe wildlife, to hike or to ride bicycles off-road. The most interesting observations or pictures of wild animals you can find on our website specially dedicated for it.
Let's visit the Mountains of Transylvania!
Come with us and take a wonderful journey in Transylvania.